Friday, September 4, 2009

Being Met

Flower at Melba's in Santa Cruz

Being Met

Many an idea falls
from lack of medium
to push up against,
the seed needs soil
as resistance to formulate
itself and chose direction,
rooting down, strong, deep,
yet still demanding more
water, air, sun, earth,
vital nurturance for growth
which develops it's character
in every evolving stage,
so often just gestating
building the inner energy
necessary for next phase,
what will appear physically,
unique in form, function,
surprising as original entity
though same species surrounds,
there is marked difference
even within inner stamina,
one's ability to persevere
when life's storms hit,
becoming rare essence embodied
attracting a pollinating stimulator
that vibrates vital fecundity
essential to being met.

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