Friday, October 9, 2009

Another Turning

Santa Cruz Lighthouse from East Cliff beach after early Sunday radio.

Another Turning

Fall Equinox bodes change
as air smells shift
coolness has new quality
light continues to lower
leave earlier in evening,
and I smile anticipation
for the coming rain,
wind, tree limbs swaying,
putting on warm layers
having wood stove fires
while forced to accept,
be with, 'what is',
no matter the circumstances,
able to follow through
on dreams that arrived
during summer, spring musings,
from past year failures
harvesting the rich lessons
when feeling in deeply
to where Spirit leads,
entertaining original vital thought
laying groundwork for future
so dependent on 'now'
my abilities to co-create
with Source Energy forces
realizing evolution always happens
through another turning inside.

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