Friday, October 30, 2009

Two Years

Dragonfly, and it's birthplace at Castle Lake, near  Mt. Shasta

Two Years

Some messages come boldly,
while others, subtle as air
gently caress side of face
titillating hair on skin
igniting momentary presence to life
it's haunting mystery and magic,
for me, I like big signs,
even though still misinterpreted
until later viewed in hindsight
wondering how I missed it,
like my sore shoulder saying 'Stop!',
look, listen, take physical break,
and slow work scene means 'recharge',
imagine possibilities besides construction
do the little things at home
plus dream a bigger vision,
well... Dragonfly visited in Shasta,
pointed me toward buying art
of itself pinned by kestrel talons
directing me to read in 'Animal Speak'
about 'nymph stage' time period
the metamorphosis from water to air
that startled me with clarity,
this is what I am to do
by coming to realize my transfiguration
into author, teacher, innovator,
as my new self, at two years end.

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