Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Gamut

The art of Joerg Engstermann shown at farmer's market in Montezuma, Costa Rica

The Gamut

I enjoy great conversation,
especially with old friends
who will travel distances
into the mind's eye,
folks who have experienced
up, down, and between
taking risks for love,
their one precious life,
while committed to fulfilling
the 'soul contract' made
before they entered physicality,
this world of evolution,
which involves every territory
of what 'humanness' entails,
there are no exceptions,
or everything is one,
but however we interpret
Existence is amazing extension
within realm of Absolute,
and we have minds
chocked full of notions
to be spoken about,
shared in intimate communion
with those we meet
when resonance takes hold
recognizing the simple similarities
on an endearing level
that creates safe arena
for running the gamut.

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