Saturday, April 3, 2010

I Return

Honoring Sun at ridge clearing where I first lived in a small trailer.
(photo by Art Durand Photography)

I Return

Again and again
call is heard
tucked into experiences,
it comes forward
subtly or loud
and with frequency
over seeming decades,
recognition is clear
when needing peace,
an easy flow
of undisturbed living,
there is melody,
key, rhyme, lyrics,
all combined together
singing emotions, feelings,
echoing in heart
saying 'Come here,
give me time,
presence, tantric essence,
commune with Existence,
write your future,
each living line
resonating with Source
through physical 'soul'
inhabiting this Earth,
be Mystery manifest
within society's cacophony.',
teaching, when confused,
I return home.

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