Thursday, August 27, 2009

Come To You

My 'pony' in Utah, north of Byrce Canyon, on way to Crawford, Colorado.

Come To You

Call it constant surprise
the way life arrives,
wants to be known,
as the chaotic trickster
with a mischievous smile
calling us to emulate,
in grin, and humor,
an energy of adventure
and childlike marvelous wonder,
(No awe? No attention.
more like sleep walking,)
this is authentic living
saying nothing can hurt,
then living as Infinite,
being Alchemist working magic
without measurement that limits,
instead seeing the 'good'
absorbing, transforming, mutating 'bad'
by welcoming, reclaiming power,
from loss, envy, fear,
it is recognizing everyone
for sharing ancestral lineage,
understanding buttons get pushed
because energy is trapped
needing expression of feeling
that opens more love
to come to you.

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