Friday, August 7, 2009


Old laughing high school buddies, Kevin and Jamie, on recent S.F. visit.


Is life a big joke or what,
full of paradoxical events,
absurd, irrational chaos,
with so much to marvel
of it's ever changing fluidity
and inconceivable results,
that to pin it down
trying to make sense
is humorous in itself
yet humans expend energy
send attention toward conformity
while at the same time
are intent on independence
though intricately interwoven
whether alone, isolated, withdrawn,
there are innumerable instances
for smiling Buddha nature
to come out, view the world,
without our cloudy filters
only capable of seeing the mundane
as miracles abound like gymnasts,
leaping, twirling, tumbling clowns
getting chuckles for the antics
this wild life provides us,
yes, even dark periods are fodder
stoking ingenious improbable connections
which evokes laughter at ourselves. 

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