Sunday, March 8, 2009

Ben Mor, Isle of Mull, Scotland

Cutting Back

The world is being asked,
more likely severely prodded,
to begin reducing consumption 
become conscious of it's movements
how it thinks and believes
about what's been normalized
unquestioned in so many realms
and I've never been big fan
of capitalist system born into,
no one asked for my vote on it,
where I'd thunderously say 'NO!!'
wanting equality and fairness instead
a sharing of resources, not exploitation,
ridding the world of poverty, insecurity,
so we can all can live in peace
bring out our unique gifts of beauty
enhancing the space we live in
being healthy in mind, body, spirit,
plus emotions, that have such power
when propelling one's clear aim
toward what is good, right, authentic,
from our deepest essential yearning
for manifesting our true soul work
that which no one else could give
in the moment, or our lifetime,
while cutting back on extravagance.

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