Thursday, July 2, 2009


Bryce Canyon, Utah


Becoming aware of Self
means studying one's subtleties,
attention on detailed levels
in tune with 'senses',
shifts to body dynamics
through emotional energy surges,
or paralyzing lack of 
when recovering from exertion,
perhaps the mind tires
from running circular track,
thoughts chasing their tail
with same avenue expression
creating suspiciously identical results,
somehow, somewhere, change happens,
we stray from pattern
inadvertently discover new strategy
find different world waiting,
it can seem miraculous
wishing we could replicate
similar evolution in territories
of our unsatisfied life,
then, just from 'wanting',
that creates specific intention,
there comes more experiences
original, rare, and expansive,
which opens up possibilities
showing increments of potential.

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