Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Let It Go

Buddha in bamboo grove,
 Kauai, Hawaii

Let It Go

To forgive is divine
washing away any residue
from encounter that's contrary,
different than the expected
or hoped for results,
but mastery takes practice,
releasing act of judging
yourself, or others involved,
while moving the energy
getting trapped by emotions,
first comes clear awareness
an acuity more refined
than daily eye perceptions
being the 'landscape' hides,
moves, confuses, disguises itself,
where plumbing depths matters
plus breadth and length,
becoming familiar with discernment,
using one's body awareness
for recognition of disturbance
anything less than ease,
like anger, fear, sadness
in degrees off center,
trusting perfection of circumstance
embodying all that is
tuned into evolution calling,
I let it go.

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