Thursday, July 9, 2009


Low tide walking between islands in Scotland


So many doorways face me
waiting my choice to open
seen more clearly each day,
especially after astrology reading
showing two 'trines' as 'square'
in regards to work, relationship,
personal identity, and home space,
that they're all influenced together,
if one lights, all ignite,
and I received more information
around the woman who fits,
able to be deep, playful,
grounded, while in the stars,
plus my ability to vision,
translate what I see unfold,
innovating a system of transformation
continually transmitting and communicating such
with an aptitude to write,
get published for my thoughts,
all coming as 'Universal' encouragement
to manifest dreams into reality,
tapping into fecundity evolving here,
creating magnificent 'Big Game' life
working with all surface tension
which comes from grand aspirations
such as stepping into unknown,
over thresholds, for spiritual power.

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