Sunday, February 14, 2010


Costa Rican worker strapped in while painting roof beams.
Anamaya Resort, Montezuma, Costa Rica


No matter the environment,
whether extraordinary natural beauty
inspiring our soul flight
into remembered Absolute realm,
joining High Consciousness Humans
upon First Peace inquiry
igniting Sacred Path dreaming
with hopes of reverberating,
rippling our noble intentions,
or in busy world
surrounded by financial security,
physical possessions that please
friends who love deeply
plus work that satisfies,
genuinely supporting life endeavors,
partner, family, good causes
while enjoying physical health,
open heart, passionate emotions,
clear mind, vibrant Spirit,
there will come challenges
both large and small
which can disrupt vibrations,
our Divinely connected equanimity,
again allowing ego access
to control thought mechanisms
bringing fear of failure
as infection for protection
believing smallness brings safety,
hoping tests are few.

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